Hey Buddy!

2025 session and registration information coming soon

Buddy Seat Conference at Fargo Theatre

About the Bushel Buddy Seat

buddy seat [buhd-ee seet]

  1. a smaller seat next to the driver seat in a tractor.
  2. place where memories are made.

Welcome to the Bushel Buddy Seat – where learning meets laughter! Buckle up for this educational ride with fellow grain businesses and ag retailers. Discover ways to strengthen relationships with their growers and spark ideas for how to take on some of the challenges facing agribusinesses today.

The Buddy Seat brings together a series of webinars and an annual conference we’re here to spill the beans, swap stories, and pass on wisdom in the true buddy seat spirit – because knowledge is best shared when you’re riding together!

Bushel Buddy Seat Conference Logo

Ride in the buddy seat for our annual Bushel Buddy Seat Conference, June 11-12, 2024, in Fargo, ND. Don’t miss the opportunity to network, learn, and socialize with industry peers.